Your Responsibilities
We’re all responsible for the planet and everything on it. Businesses like yours are no exception. If moral responsibilities aren’t enough to make you continue reading, its also important to note that it’s your legal responsibility to recycle ALL of your waste correctly, else you could end up facing prosecution and unlimited fines.
Starting off with the basics, from 2015 onwards it has been a legal requirement (and still is) for all businesses to ensure that the waste they produce, be it cardboard, metals, food or plastic is separated and recycled correctly. These are the Waste Regulations.
The Waste Regulations also stipulate that all businesses must consult the waste hierarchy and pay attention in particular to the options of reuse, recycle and energy recovery prior to disposal.
If you fail to accept your responsibilities and avoid recycling correctly, you’re actively harming the environment.
Toner cartridges are classed as WEEE (waste electronics and electrical equipment) and must therefore be treated appropriately. Failing to do so is not only catastrophic for the environment but you’ll also be open to legal implications.
Arrange a Collection
We can help you deal effectively with your WEEE waste. Click on the button below to arrange a collection.