Making a visit to your local Recycling Centre during Lockdown will provide you with a totally different experience altogether. Most of the time it’s every man or woman for him or herself, but with social distancing measures and queuing introduced, you’re likely to find that what was once a simple task is now more ofContinue Reading »
Has Covid Helped The Environment?
Coronavirus has enforced many restrictions on our daily lives, particularly those areas that have been placed into high levels on the tier system, but now we’re all going to be in the same boat once again as we move towards a second lockdown on November 5th, but what how does this affect the environment? AsContinue Reading »
Tesco’s latest plastic initiative – sensible or senseless?
One of the main concerns businesses have when committing to sustainable projects and introducing new green initiatives are the costs of implementation, or often the extra cost to their own customers, who can become alienated as a result. One of the latest examples that follows this pattern is Tesco’s decision to double the price ofContinue Reading »
Is Printing Bad For The Environment?
The short answer; It can be, but it doesn’t have to be. Despite the many technological advances over hundreds of years, many offices and businesses still use paper and printing, even in today’s digital age. Statistics suggest that almost 95% of companies store their information on paper – very few businesses and offices are actuallyContinue Reading »
How Green Is Football?
Premier league football clubs are among some of the biggest brands in the world, particularly the larger clubs who take large sponsorship deals and compete in European competitions. This makes them highly marketable and among the country’s most globally recognised brands, but it also means everything they do is under the spotlight. As environmental issues,Continue Reading »
How do you choose between your customers and the planet?
‘Coca-cola will not ditch single-use plastic bottles because consumers still want them’ is possibly one of the most outlandish comments that have hit the headlines in the world of plastic pollution this week. These were the words of Coca-cola’s very own head of sustainability. According to Bea Perez, Coca-cola consumers like them because they resealContinue Reading »
Who Recycles The Most In The UK?
Hopefully you should already know the importance of recycling plastic and the issues that it can cause if left untreated or thrown into a landfill. Have you ever wondered who recycles the most? Today’s your lucky day. A list of the UK’s top plastic recycling towns compiled by high street beauty brand, The Body Shop,Continue Reading »
Plastic pollution wins 2019
2019 is the year that giant food, drinks and beauty companies used more fossil fuels than ever before, creating mountains of man-made plastic for communities and future generations to have to deal with, but is it now too late to keep global warming temperatures and affects in check? To make matters worse, plastic production isContinue Reading »
The Irony of Plastic Bags
Prior to the introduction of a plastic bag charge in the UK on October 5th 2015, Britons took home over 8.5 million single-use plastic carrier bags from supermarkets alone. Not only do these plastic bags cause unsightly scenes across our streets and countryside when they are littered, but they also exhibit the same problems asContinue Reading »
What makes spooky season so scary? Plastic!
Did you know that this years’ Halloween celebration will generate over 2000 tonnes of plastic waste? It’s quite shocking really, considering it’s just for one night of fun – it’s possibly one of the most environmentally damaging celebrations that exist. The equivalent of 83 million plastic bottles will be left as waste following Halloween. ThisContinue Reading »
Why Do Businesses Struggle to Comply? The Cost of Compliance
The final reason, and, if we’re being honest, the most common reason for non-compliance is the fear of how much recycling actually costs. As with most things that aren’t always seen as an essential part of running a business, recycling is nearly always seen as just another financial burden, especially when you take into accountContinue Reading »
Why Do Businesses Struggle to Comply? Resources
Part three of our ‘Why Do Businesses Struggle to Comply?’ is here, and this time we’re looking at why the WEEE Directive makes compliance so difficult in terms of resources. Following up from part two of this series, on top of the administrative struggle in terms of the amount of paperwork, you would also requireContinue Reading »
Why Do Businesses Struggle to Comply? The Administrative Burden
Part two of our ‘Why do Businesses Struggle to Comply?’ series will take a look into the administrative burden that some companies believe comes hand in hand with recycling. If this is one of the barriers preventing you from complying with the WEEE Directive, look no further – we’ve got you covered. Paperwork can beContinue Reading »
Why Do Businesses Struggle to Comply? Complexity and Misunderstanding
Over the next few days we’ll begin to look at some of the major reasons why businesses struggle to comply with the WEEE Directive. Hopefully we’ll be able to provide you with a clearer picture of what the WEEE Directive is, what your responsibilities are and how you can approach them. The WEEE Directive itselfContinue Reading »
Get Caught Green Handed
On January 1st 2014 the laws changed on recycling and WEEE came into force. This legislation is a legal requirement for responsibly recycling WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) products, anything that has a plug or takes a battery can be classed as WEEE. It is believed that each year companies and households around theContinue Reading »