Our planet’s single-use plastic is polluting our oceans and endangering multiple species of marine life and wildlife, but there must be something that we can do to stop this from happening, surely? We’re surrounded by plastic, there is no doubt about it. Our food packaging and disposable coffee cups are often single-use plastic which manyContinue Reading »
Our Plastic Planet
One of the major goals across the world right now is to reduce the production and usage of plastic. Even the Government has stepped forward and is trying to make a change. We’re beginning to live on what most people now call a plastic planet – so when will we actually make a change? InContinue Reading »
Do I Really Need To Recycle?
Many people wonder whether recycling is really worth their time. The separating, the washing, the transport, the storage. Not even experts can agree on the economic and environmental benefits of recycling. Four of the most common arguments for recycling are: it reduces landfill waste, it saves public money, it creates jobs, and it encourages consumersContinue Reading »
What Do You Do With Empty Toner and Ink Cartridges?
As of 2016, toner cartridges, ink cartridges, and toner powder fall under the classification of electrical waste and must therefore be disposed of correctly. This not only helps the environment, but also helps you adhere to the most recent waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycling laws. The European Commission have more information on WEEEContinue Reading »
Universities Fall Short In Promoting Recycling
Universities around the world are operated by thousands of employees, under hundreds of different faculties. Each one is more than likely to use a printer at least once a week for academia. On top of that, thousands of students use printing services to print class work and assignments. Students print an average of 25 pagesContinue Reading »
The True Cost Of Printing
Getting rid of your waste is expensive. In fact, waste disposal is one of the biggest costs for organisations and businesses. You have a legal duty of care to dispose of your waste electrical and electronic equipment in the appropriate manner. Otherwise you could be risking fines and even prosecution. The Waste Hierarchy chart shouldContinue Reading »
Green Agenda are this year’s Awards Dinner Sponsor at the Scottish Resources Conference
Now in its fourteenth year, the Scottish Resources Conference and Exhibition is returning to Glasgow on 7th and 8th October at the Hilton Hotel. It will be delivered by CIWM and Zero Waste Scotland. For the second year in a row, Green Agenda will be the Headline Sponsor for the Scottish Resources Conference Awards Dinner.Continue Reading »
Scottish Resources Conference 2014
Green Agenda are the proud Awards Dinner Headline sponsor at the annual Scottish Resources Conference, taking place in Glasgow this year. Celebrating its 13th anniversary, the Scottish Resources Conference and Exhibition is the dedicated event for Scotland’s resources industry. The conference will keep you up to date with critical issues influencing the Scottish resources industry,Continue Reading »
Interesting facts and figures about the toner cartridge
30 million inkjet cartridges are sent to UK landfill each year – the equivalent of 18 blue whales! Did you know that original printer ink costs more to produce than space shuttle fuel?! Approximately 3.5 litres of oil is required to produce every laser toner cartridge. A spent cartridge can be recycled up to 7Continue Reading »
What is WEEE?
WEEE stands for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Anything that requires batteries or a plug to operate is classified as Electrical or Electronic. WEEE is the fastest growing waste stream; around 1 million tonnes of WEEE is thrown away in the UK every year. In the UK we purchase around 22.5 million phones every year. TheseContinue Reading »
Top tips to improve how you recycle!
At home is where you can make the biggest difference to the amount you recycle. All your plastic bottles can be recycled, from mouthwash to salad dressing – so put them all in your recycling bin! In most boroughs, you can recycle all your plastic bottles, tubs and pots, and their tops and lids too.Continue Reading »
Toner cartridge recycling in a ‘circular’ economy
The recycling and remanufacturing of toner cartridges is an effective and sustainable response to the European WEEE Directive on the disposal of electrical waste. With the amount of hazardous waste being sent to landfill, Green Agenda offer a simple solution to businesses who want to adopt a greener policy when it comes to reducing theContinue Reading »